Angela Sothern on plans for a global fundraising loyalty programme to help towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals

Angela Sothern has an idea for a new charity fundraising loyalty programme which is intended to to help towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.  We discuss Angela’s background and history as well as her new initiative.  In this interview we disagree a bit about the steps to implement the idea and have global impact.  Angela has also provided the update below as well on positive progress since the intervew.

Angela gives the following update since the interview:

Since you interviewed me I am pleased to update you that my trip to Africa was successful, as expected.

I met with Dr. Belay Begashaw, General Director of the Sustainable Development Centre for Africa (SDGC/A) and discussed further a partnership with the Center to help us promote the Charity Fundraising ‘Loyalty’ Program to a global audience – with the goal of regularly bringing many billions, then trillions to help toward the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
I am delighted to announce that we can expect a partnership to be formed in the near future, once we have all the necessary paper-work in order.
I look forward to providing you with updates over the coming months.

Kind regards,


You can download this episode here.