Seeds Podcast
Impacting minds by telling good stories
Latest Seeds episodes
LinkedIn Learnings: Sharing 10 key tips I’ve discovered
Held a session about what I have learned about LinkedIn and this is the audio of the recording. LinkedIn post with the top 10 listed https://www.linkedin.com/posts/steven-moe-0b3b008a_linkedin-learnings-from-steven-moe-activity-7308262210072453121-3kGd?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&rcm=ACoAABMHZIcB8j_p9zYjf0viXbnHWQ_uKe3HuUg Video of the session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37IP2L0nXUw You can download this episode here.
Generosity Mindset: 7 Key Principles for cultivating a Generous Life
This is the audio of a short talk I gave recently and turned into a paper on principles for a Generous Life. To read the paper you can find it here https://theseeds.nz/articles/the-generosity-mindset-7-key-principles-to-cultivate-a-generous-life/ For the videos mentioned have a look at my LinkedIn profile https://nz.linkedin.com/in/steven-moe-0b3b008a For more visit www.theseeds.nz You can…
Craig Fortune on Overcoming Adversity and Improving Productivity
In this conversation I sat down with Craig Fortune and heard about his life, career, setbacks and how to overcome them and also about improving productivity. What are some of the simple steps we can each take to gain greater efficiency? If you enjoy this check out the other episodes…
Discussion on Charities and Tax regarding IRD Consultation Paper (Jenny Gill, Craig Fisher, Steven Moe)
This is the audio of the session held on Charities and Tax and a discussion of the IRD paper on this. Video of the session https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlCz7fzYGwI Jenny, Craig and Steven hosted this briefing on the IRD consultation paper. This is the link to our earlier briefing paper for background reading, https://www.parryfield.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/PARRY-FIELD-Charities-and-Tax.pdf…
Ian Farrant on a lifetime of Governance learnings, memories of War Rations and the New Zealand Salmon Company
It was special to sit down with Ian Farrant as he was a director of The New Zealand Salmon Company which is the reason our family moved here in 1989 as my Father is a marine biologist and we came here for that job. We start with Ian’s early…
Dame Sue Bagshaw on curiosity, the role of play for Children, and Youth Hub Christchurch
Dame Sue Bagshaw has led a fascinating life and we talk about her childhood and background, coming to New Zealand and then focus in on Youth Hub Christchurch. Website: https://www.youthhubchch.org.nz If you enjoy this then why not check out some of the other 430+ episodes. www.theseeds.nz You can download…
Live Discussion on Charities & Tax with Craig Fisher, Jenny Gill and Steven Moe
This is the audio of an hour long session we held on charities and tax where we discussed this paper on Charities in New Zealand | Parry Field Lawyers Video of the session is here too https://youtu.be/rp040LanLlY For more visit www.theseeds.nz You can download this episode here.
Leaders and 5 Orders of Consciousness: Audio of Article with Emily Morrow for the IOD
This is the audio of an article on leaders and the 5 Orders of Consciousness I wrote with Emily Morrow. Its a really interesting look into how we percieve the world we are in. The article was just published by the Institute of Directors here https://www.iod.org.nz/news/articles/governance-and-orders-of-consciousness-a-different-leadership-lens# Emily was a…
Jonathan Prince on Creativity and Design
Jonathan is the founder of Caliber Design and in this conversation we talk about the process of creativity and what it takes to create products as well as creating team culture and the components of strategy. We also focussed in on what it means to really understand the problem before…