Seeds Podcast

Impacting minds by telling good stories

Board Matters

If you like Seeds, do you know about my other podcast, Board Matters? It’s a series of short interviews on governance with the Institute of Directors.

Latest Seeds episodes

Paul McGregor on the power of Facilitation

Paul McGregor on the power of Facilitation

I always enjoy catching up with people doing interesting things who specialise in things that we can all learn about.  In this case I talked with Paul McGregor about Facilitation.  However we start with his early years and what he studied – the law – and how that has led…
Weaving Creativity into all of your Life

Weaving Creativity into all of your Life

I went back to my former High School and spoke with 55 students about creativity and integrating it into all of your life.  I try and do this as a lawyer and so it was really fun to reflect on my own journey in the last 30 years since I…