Zahra Hussaini on valuing Diversity

Zahra arrived in New Zealand as a 12 year old Afghan refugee who spoke no English.  In this interview we hear about what her childhood was like, being a refugee,…


Poem reflecting on the conversation with Natasha Zimmerman in Episode 125. Abiding awe, you say.Those words speak to me of patience.Of planting deep into dark soil,grateful for the sun’s warmth.Of…

Shanna on being 11

Do you remember being 11?  In this episode we talk with Shanna about what her views of the world are.  It’s good to get these reminders from time to time…

A poem by Natasha Zimmerman

This is a poem that Natasha Zimmerman wrote to answer my usual question of “where are you from”, as well as a video of her reading it. The poem I…


Inspired by David Clifford. That teacher who believedin you.  It was decades agobut the memory is fresh.Who saw potentialwhere others saw none.I can see the tears rising as I ask“What shaped…