John Hammond on choosing life

On falling in love at first sight, the impact of a friend passing in your 20s, a lifelong love of skiing and travel, co-founding a marketing agency, deciding to retire…

Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom on Space

Growing up in the Philippines with dreams of Space and interplanetary travel, how a scholarship to the International Space University in France has led to a unique career as an…

Martin Large on “Common Wealth”

Growing up on a Yorkshire Dales hill farm, living in South East Asia during the Vietnam War era, pursuing an academic career, founding the Hawthorn Press, developing ‘Stroud Common Wealth’…

Peter Townsend on Business Leadership

Growing up in Rotorua, being involved in the fishing industry and co-founding the New Zealand Salmon Company in the mid 1980s, working as Chief Executive at the Canterbury Employers’ Chamber…

You Done Good

Inspired by Academic Dr James Austin. A life time of livingA life stream flowingalways in the same direction.Like a river,carving down a valley.Consistent through theebbs and flows ofthe seasons.Life choices…

Slowing Down

Inspired by Kit Hindin. Why is my answer always “busy”,to the question, “how are you?”I’ve forgotten to stay still.Breathe deep and remain true. My calling and my purpose,are drowned out…