Category Podcast

‘New Power’: Book review

This is a short book review of “New Power: How anyone can persuade, mobilize, and succeed in our chaotic connected age.” By Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms. For text of…

Luke Campbell on co-founding Vxt

Luke is a young entrepreneur and in this interview we hear about the challenges of setting up a new venture.  We also find out about his life story and journey…

Piano by Matthew Goldsworthy

A beautiful original song played on the piano by Matthew Goldsworthy which he performed live for the Impact Unconference last Friday 24 April. It was too wonderful not to share…

Jenny Gill on lessons from a life in Philanthropy

Jenny has spent decades working in Philanthropy in New Zealand. In this interview we hear about her childhood and some of the influences that shaped her, becoming a teacher, travelling…

Ursula Cheer on a varied career in Law

Ursula Cheer is the Dean of the Canterbury Law School.  In this interview we find out about her life and the fact that she has really had three careers out…

Virtual Impact Unconference

Announcing the first New Zealand Virtual Impact Unconference on 24 April 2020.  Collaboration is our future.  This unconference wants to get us out of silos and encourage discussion and cross fertilisation…

Tamara Smith on her love of Music

Tamara is a flautist, composer, dancer and much more – in this interview we talk about her love of music and how that began as well as her band Mundi.…