Category Videos

NZ Charity Sector Response to Covid-19

In this video recorded Friday 27 March 2020 we have a korero with about 60 of us joining in on the call. First up we hear from four different people…

A Poem for Camia Young

This is a poem for Camia Young read on 11 December 2019 at a Christmas party in her honour at XCHC. Thank you for all you do in the community…

An Intertalk with Ron Park in 2119

In 2119 we talk with the great grandson of Ron Park (who was interviewed on Seeds Podcast 100 years ago, back in 2019). For more visit

Shanna on being 11

Do you remember being 11?  In this episode we talk with Shanna about what her views of the world are.  It’s good to get these reminders from time to time…

Bill Murphy on Impact Investing in New Zealand

Bill Murphy from Enterprise Angels in Tauranga shares about impact investing in New Zealand. This session was held at Parry Field Lawyers ( in Christchurch on 5 August 2019. In…