Discussion on Charities and Tax regarding IRD Consultation Paper (Jenny Gill, Craig Fisher, Steven Moe)

This is the audio of the session held on Charities and Tax and a discussion of the IRD paper on this.

Video of the session https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlCz7fzYGwI

Jenny, Craig and Steven hosted this briefing on the IRD consultation paper. This is the link to our earlier briefing paper for background reading, https://www.parryfield.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/PARRY-FIELD-Charities-and-Tax.pdf

And the video of our earlier session on it + overall context is here https://youtu.be/rp040LanLlY

Also, more info is here (including charity health checks). https://www.parryfield.com/charities-information-hub/

RNZ interview with Craig https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/ninetonoon/audio/2018978181/charity-experts-are-worried-about-government-s-tax-plans

You might also like seeds podcast at www.theseeds.nz which has an audio version of this.

You can download this episode here.