“It’s ok not to be ok”: A conversation with Stephen Penny

In this very short interview we chat with Stephen Penny who was on the show pre-Covid.  He told his life story then and in this episode we catch up on the topic of looking after ourselves and our mental health – how can we do better at checking up on those around us?  LinkedIn Post we discuss: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/honorisstephenpenny_supportingeachother-askforhelp-activity-6734383145438867456-NtZi

Earlier interview with Stephen: https://seeds.libsyn.com/steve-penny-on-the-future-of-designing-buildings-and-lessons-from-being-an-entrepreneur

Honoris, Stephen’s company: https://honoris.co.nz/our-team

For more visit www.theseeds.nz 


You can download this episode here.