Katherine Trebeck on Wellbeing Economies, Mountains and System Change

My conversation with Katherine started with Mountains and Nature, before we talked about her life, career and systems change.  This felt like a very grounded conversation as a result and I know you will enjoy hearing her insights about Wellbeing Economies and what they are.  If you like this then there are 420 other conversations as well – you can find out more at www.theseeds.nz 

Wellbeing Economy Alliance Aotearoa site: https://www.weall.org.nz/ 

Katherine’s site: https://katherinetrebeck.com/ 

Katherine is a political economist, writer and advocate for economic system change. Her roles include writer-at-large at the University of Edinburgh, Economic Change Lead at The Next Economy, and Strategic Advisor to the Centre for Policy Development. She co-founded the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll) and also WEAll Scotland, its Scottish hub.

You can download this episode here.