Laying Foundations for Reimagining Business: The audio book

Audio book version of the newly released “Laying Foundations for Reimagining Business: Essays“.  For more information on print copies, downloadable PDF and comments about the book visit: Laying Foundations for Reimagining Business: Essays – seeds (

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Index of the audio for each essay:

2:30: Essay 1: The bottom line is not enough, companies should be required to have a purpose

7:47: Essay 2: Impact Investing presents opportunity to back a better future beyond just financial gain

12:09: Essay 3: Proposed changes to the Companies Act mark the beginning of positive change

17:15: Essay 4: Purpose-driven structures for Impact Entrepreneurs: Considering Kaitiakitanga and Steward Ownership

28:27: Essay 5: What social enterprises in Aotearoa can learn from Māoritanga

32:57: Essay 6: A case for bringing creatives to the governance table

37:54: Essay 7: The hard questions we need to be asking

48:09: Essay 8: Structuring for Impact

54:08: Excerpt from “Reimagining Business” 

You can download this episode here.