Conversations with EHF FellowsDecember 17, 2024Articles Interesting people with life stories we can learn from – have now spoken with 34 people who are Edmund Hillary Fellows or involved in this (co-founders, on Board at some point or worked for EHF). Why not listen in to: Mark Prain on Sir Edmund Hillary Michelle Sharp on creating hope for the most vulnerable children with UNICEF Aotearoa Joanne McEachen on Joy and Innovating in Education, and bringing an Indigenous perspective to global conversations Yoseph Ayele on the Edmund Hillary Fellowship Harmaan Madon on Bioenergy and creating value from waste with Alimentary Systems Oonagh Browne on the power of Chocolate and Cacao Siddharth Sthalekar on true wealth, reputation in an online world and founding Neighbourhoods Hazel Heal on the cure for Hepatitis C Regenerative and Blended Finance: Seeds Conference Session with Rosalie Nelson from EHF and Andrew Hewitt, Satya Kumar, Brad Leibov and Laina Greene Matthew Jackson on co-founding Alimentary Diane Ducarme on Diet, Health and Migraines Poverty and the Economy – Seeds Conference session with Shamubeel Eaqub in conversation with Helen Robinson (Auckland City Missioner) and Sasha Lockley (Money Sweetspot) Nathaniel Calhoun on preserving Biodiversity and effecting Systems Change Alina Siegfried on impact storytelling, systems level change and performance poetry Dr Angela Lim on Clearhead Jeff Wetzler on tapping into the hidden wisdom of people around you with the Ask Approach Faumuina Felolini Maria Tafunai on Pacific Ocean Wayfinding Rabble (Evan Henshaw-Plath) on using the decentralised web to support social movements and helping create Twitter Mark Bregman on Intellectual Capital: moving from Knowledge to Innovation Steven Moe interviewed by Ian Harvey James Nikitine on our Oceans and founding Blue Cradle Chris Simcock on Impact Investing … in NZ! Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom on Space Charlie Grosso on transforming youth refugee experiences with Hello Future Jan Czaplicki on carbon offsetting and co-founding CarbonClick Sacha McMeeking on Colonisation, Climate Change and Te Ao Māori Raphael Nolden on the future of Tech and developing Amy, an AI powered maths tutor Garry Moore on the power of Public Debate, the Tuesday Club and Community Housing Samantha Jones on sustainable fashion and founding social enterprise Little Yellow Bird Michael Gill on Sir Edmund Hillary Frances Valintine on the power of being Curious Ian Harvey on Collective Intelligence The Human Economy and the Future of Business, a breakout session at Philanthropy NZ Summit 2019 with Louise Aitken, Christina Bellis and Shay Wright Philipp Sültrop on rockets, endurance races and surviving cancer